String format with Python% operator


In addition to "%" as a remainder operator, Python has a method of using it as a format operator used for strings. (There is a similar usage in C language)

Addendum (2017/05/22): In python3, there are different methods such as format method, and the method using% operator is not recommended (see the comment at the bottom).

Basic writing

>>> #Uninflected word(python2)
>>> print 'Hello, %s' % 'world!' 
Hello, world!

>>> #Uninflected word(python3)
>>> print('Hello, %s' % 'world!')
Hello, world!

>>> #If there are multiple(python2)
>>> print 'My name is %s %s.' % ('python', 'qiita')
My name is python qiita.

>>> #General form without flag(python2)
>>> print '%(Conversion type)' % (Conversion source)

>>> #General form with flag(python2)
>>> print '%(flag)(Conversion type)' % (Conversion source)

Conversion type

Conversion type meaning
'd' Signed decimal integer
'i' Signed decimal integer
'x' Signed hexadecimal number(Lowercase)
'X' Signed hexadecimal number(uppercase letter)
'e' Floating point number in exponential notation(Lowercase)
'E' Floating point number in exponential notation(uppercase letter)
'f' Decimal floating point number
'F' Decimal floating point number
'c' One character
'r' String(repr()Convert with)
's' String(str()Convert with)


flag meaning
'0' Zero padding for numeric types
'-' Left justify the converted value
' ' For signed conversions with positive numbers, leave a space before
'+' Prepend a code character to the conversion
Numbers(Non-zero) Output to that number of digits


-5.6.2. String formatting operations

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