Python Memorandum: Refer to the text and edit the file name while copying the target file

Get the file name

Since the target file was path information, only the file name is acquired in advance.


file_name = os.path.basename(txt_fle_line)[:-1]

XCOPY I also tried using XCOPY temporarily with "", I also needed to move, so I decided to use shutil for versatility.

import subprocess"xcopy %s %s /D /K /R /Y /C /V /E"%(file_path, send))

Update time

Since we adopted the new one at the time of update, we took time and compared it.

        if os.path.exists(rename_file) :

            copy_date = os.stat(rename_file).st_mtime
            org_date = os.stat(file_path).st_mtime

            if copy_date < org_date:
                print "%s copy... %s" %(send, grid_name)
                shutil.copy2(file_path, rename_file)


A script that edits the file name while copying the target file by referring to the text.

import os
import shutil
from datetime import datetime as dt

txt_file = open(r"copy_target.txt","r")

for target_line in txt_file:

    if target_line == '\n':

    target_cl = target_line[:-1].split(',')

    file_path = target_cl[0].strip('"')
    file_name = target_cl[1].strip('"')

    grid_cl = file_name.split('_')

    if len(grid_cl) == 6:

        photo = grid_cl[0]
        area = grid_cl[1]
        b_cl = grid_cl[2]
        b_rw = grid_cl[3]
        b_no = grid_cl[4]
        flg = grid_cl[5]

    grid_name = area + b_cl + b_rw
    send = r'G:\grid\\' + area + '\\' + grid_name

    if os.path.isdir(send) :

        rename_file = send +'\\'+ file_name

        if os.path.exists(rename_file) :

            copy_date = os.stat(rename_file).st_mtime
            org_date = os.stat(file_path).st_mtime

            if copy_date < org_date:
                print "%s copy... %s" %(send, grid_name)
                shutil.copy2(file_path, rename_file)

            print "%s copy new... %s" %(send, grid_name)
            shutil.copy2(file_path, rename_file)

        is_not_file = open(r"D:\python\file_serch\target_work\is_not_GRID.txt", "a+")
        is_not_file.write(file_path + "," + file_name + "," + "no path" + "\n")


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