Get the average salary of a job with specified conditions from has an item that shows the salary level and the number of cases. Use this item to calculate the average salary.


import urllib.request, urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re, getopt, sys
import numpy as np

def avgsalary(query, location):
    query = urllib.parse.quote_plus(query)
    location = urllib.parse.quote_plus(location)
    url = "{}&l={}&radius=0".format(query, location)
    request = urllib.request.urlopen(url);
    soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
    result = soup.find(id="SALARY_rbo")
    results = result.find_all("li")
    salaries = []
    num_salaries = []
    for result in results:
        tmp  = result.a["title"]
        tmp = re.sub(',','', tmp)
        tmp = re.sub(r'([0-9]+)[^\d]+([0-9]+).*$', r'\1,\2', tmp);
        tmp = tmp.split(",")
    salaries = np.array(salaries).astype(np.float)
    salaries *= 10000
    num_salaries = np.array(num_salaries).astype(np.float)
    return(np.sum(salaries * num_salaries)/np.sum(num_salaries))

def main():

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"q:l:", ["query", "location"]);
    except getout.GetoptError as err:

    query = ""
    location = ""
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == "-q":
            query = a
        elif o == "-l":
            location = a

    print(avgsalary(query, location))

if __name__ == "__main__":


$ python -l Gotemba


This code does the following:

  1. Get salary and number of cases using Beautiful Soup.
  2. Store salary and number in numpy array.
  3. Calculate the average. The output is the annual income.

Specific example

For example, the following comparison is interesting.

$ python -q programmer
$ python -q programmer

This comparison generally means the difference in annual income between "English jobs" and "Japanese jobs". Considering that English job vacancies have a higher annual income of more than 1 million, we can see how important English is. By the way, if you use the US version of, you can see that the average salary of American programmers is over 7 million yen.

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