(For beginners) Try creating a simple web API with Django


This article walks you through the steps of a beginner developing a coupon distribution service for the iPhone with a RESTful API and swift. It is a very detour implementation because it was implemented while examining the technical elements one by one.

This time [try running python in Django environment made with pipenv] In the environment created by (https://qiita.com/Ajyarimochi/items/0964d314c8bd968fcc80), create a simple web API using Django's functions.



Mac OS 10.15 VSCode 1.39.2 pipenv 2018.11.26 Python 3.7.4 Django 2.2.6

web API specifications

When a coupon code is requested, the content of the coupon associated with the coupon code is responded by HTTP.


Create a coupon django app

Enter the pipenv virtual environment with the pipenv shell command and change to the directory where manage.py is located. into-pipenv-directry-mask.png

Create a django app named coupon. make-coupon-app.png

If you open the folder with VS Code, you will have a coupon app. check-making-app-vscode.png

Implemented response processing in views.py

As shown below, I created a function called coupon and hard-coded the contents of the coupon. Depending on the code of the coupon sent by the request variable (coupon_code), the coupon will be sorted by the if statement. The response is returned in Http using Django's HttpResponse method.


from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

# Create your views here.
def coupon(request):
    if 'coupon_code' in request.GET:
        coupon_code = request.GET['coupon_code']
        if coupon_code == '0001':
          result = '1000 yen discount coupon!'
        elif coupon_code == '0002':
            result = '10%Discount coupon!'
            result = 'Error:Not found coupon code!'
        return HttpResponse(result)

Create urls.py under coupon app

Next, set the path. First, create a new ʻurls.py` under the coupon app.


from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.coupon, name='coupon'),

Edit urls.py under the project

Next, edit urls.py under the project. Added path ('coupon /', include ('coupon.urls')) to ʻurl patterns`.


from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path,include

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('hello/', include('hello.urls')),
    path('coupon/', include('coupon.urls'))

Operation check

Save your changes and start django's web server.

$ python manage.py runserver

Access the following URL with a browser. Confirm that the correct response changes. test-code-0001.png

Check the pattern for entering other parameters

Request a coupon with coupon code 0002 test-code-0002.png

If you specify a coupon code that does not exist test-code-0003.png

With the above, we have implemented a super-simple web API. From here, we will modify it as follows to make it a web API that can withstand practical use.

Next time, I'll try using Django's template feature for learning [https://qiita.com/Ajyarimochi/items/9d64b13321f0779fc986)

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