Install pygraphviz on Windows 10

What is PyGraphviz

A wrapper for python of the graph drawing tool Graphviz. Note that it takes a lot of time to install in a Windows environment.

Installation of Graphviz main unit

Install Graphviz from the Official Site.

~~ As of August 21, 2020, the latest version of graphviz-install-2.44.1-win64.exe in the following folder

The 2.44.1 (Cmake) version has a bug that does not include neato. As of August 21, 2020, the following is the latest version that includes neoto and does not issue a warning.

The 2.38 (msbuild) version of the installer does not have a PATH setting screen, so you can set it yourself.

Install PyGraphviz

Download the appropriate whl from the following and install it with pip. As of August 21, 2020, the following is the latest version. In the file name, the XX part of cpXX-cpXX indicates the python version. For Python 3.8, use cp38-cp38.

Reference material

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