Let's make a simple language with PLY 1



What is PLY


Install PLY

$ pip install ply

Decide what to implement this time


Lexical analysis


import ply.lex as lex

tokens = (
  # Literals

  # Function
  'PUT', 'EXIT',

# Identifiers at var
t_ID = r'(?!put|exit)[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*'

# Function
t_PUT = r'put'
t_EXIT = r'exit'
# space is ignore

# space and tab is ignore
t_ignore = ' \t'

# comment  
t_ignore_COMMENT = r'\#.*'

# error handling
def t_error(t):
    print("Illegal characters'%s'" % t.value[0])



The code created below is shown


import ply.yacc as yacc
from lex import tokens
import sys

names = {}

# var (id)
def p_expr_id(p):
    'expr : ID'
        p[0] = names[p[1]]
    except LookupError:
        print('Undefine var name %s' %p)
        p[0] = 0

# exit function
def p_exit(p):
    'expr : EXIT'   
    print('See You!')

# empty
def p_empty(p):
    'empty :'

# syntax error
def p_error(p):
    print ('Syntax error in input %s' %p)

parser = yacc.yacc()

# Debug
def parse(data, debug=0):  
    return yacc.parse(data, debug=debug)
if __name__ == '__main__':  
    while True:
            s = input('>>> ')
        except EOFError:
        if not s:
        result = parser.parse(s)
        print (result)

Try to move

Actually, I defined a variable, but I can't do anything at the moment All you can do is try the exit function


$ python yacc.py
>>> exit
See You!

in conclusion

Somehow it became a screen like that and I got out with exit The explanation has become rough towards the end


I made an original language "PPAPScript" that imaged PPAP (Penpainappoappopen) with Python, [ryo-ma](http: / /qiita.com/ryo-ma).

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