The default dircolors setting when starting Ubuntu with WSL2 is hard to see, so I want to change it to a setting that is easy to see.
The color scheme of directories and files when the ls command is executed is determined by the environment variable $ LS_COLORS.
% echo $LS_COLORS$ echo $LS_COLORS
You can edit the settings with the echo command, but it is better to create / edit the .dircolors file using the dircolors command as shown below.
% dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors // .Create dircolors file
This time, I used the already created solarized theme.
% git clone
% cp dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-universal ~/.dircolors
If you reflect the setting with the following command and make an alias, it will be reflected from the next time onwards. You can write it in .bashrc.
% eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors -b` //.Reflect dircolors file
% alias ls='ls --color=auto'
By the way, around the 60th line of .bashrc If you change it as follows, the color around the beginning of the command line will be easier to see.
if [ "colorprompt"=yes];thenPS1=′colorprompt"=yes];thenPS1=′{debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}[\033[01;32m]\u@\h[\033[00m]:[\033[00;36m]\w[\033[00m]\$ '