[RAILS] Implementation of image preview function

Implementation of image preview function in rails

environment Rails

** Premise ** image_id column in user table

procedure ① Give id to image_tag Give id for processing in JavaScript. Here, ʻid: "img_prev" `is used.

<%= attachment_image_tag @user, :image, size: "300x300", fallback: "no_profile.jpg ", size: "300x300" , id: "img_prev"%>

② Write JavaScript at the bottom of the page When the value of the image file field changes Read the URL of the image file with image_tag and display the image.

    $('#user_image').on('change', function (e) {        #Get information from id
    var reader = new FileReader();            #Get existing image url
    reader.onload = function (e) {
        $(".image").attr('src', e.target.result);
    }                            #This is for image acquisition
    reader.readAsDataURL(e.target.files[0]);        #Insert the url of the uploaded image into the obtained url


The image preview function has been implemented.

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