If you want to make a Windows application (exe) that can be actually used now using only Python


This article is based on the theme of Qiita Summer Festival 2020 "If you want to make a △△ (app) using only 〇〇 (language)" The contents are in line with it.

On July 5, 2020, my work "VMD sizing ver5.00 (execode)" Has been released. The theme of this tool is to "regenerate VMD (MMD motion data) with the appropriate head and body for the specified model", well, it sounds to most of you who are reading this article. It's a hobby app.

** Nga! !! !! ** **

Most of the people who enjoy MMD (MikuMikuDance) are very ordinary people who have nothing to do with Python or programs. If anyone responds with "Snake ?!", I think it's rather valuable. How can such people use their own apps? This article is about the theme of how to make a ** "App that adjusts the UI to something nice after a while" **, which has come to the fore after such anguish, trial and error, and a lot of trouble. , It is a summary of my own answers. By the way, "VMD sizing" has been used to the extent that the cumulative total exceeds DL8500. (Approximately 9600 DL when combined with the 32-bit version)

Python + pyinstaller = exe is not so rare, but it requires some ingenuity to bring it down to a level that can withstand actual operation.

<"Isn't it okay to make it in C?" ** I like Python. ** (Because I don't know C ...)

1. Environment construction

1.1. Installing Anaconda

First, let's prepare the development environment.

<"It's not a reason for machine learning, isn't it okay to leave it raw?" **No way! !! ** **

A common problem in pyinstaller articles is that "extra libraries are included and the exe file becomes large". It's common to try out new libraries during development. However, if you create an exe as it is, there is a high possibility that unnecessary libraries will be included in the exe. ** Let's separate the development environment and the release environment exactly. ** **

Download the installer from Anaconda Official. If it is made from now on, it would be better to use 3 series.


After DL, please follow the steps to install.

1.2. Building a development environment

First, let's build a virtual environment for development.

conda create -n pytest_env pip python=3.7

Once you have a development environment, let's ʻactivate`. By the way, let's also create a source code management directory.

1.3. Building a release environment

Similarly, create a release environment,

conda create -n pytest_release pip python=3.7

1.4. Library installation

Once you have the management directory, move to it and install the required libraries. Here is one trick.

** pyinstaller installs only in release environment **

By installing pyinstaller only in the release environment, you can prevent accidental release in the development environment. Since it's a big deal, let's introduce numpy.

Installation command for development environment

pip install numpy wxPython

Installation command for release environment

pip install numpy wxPython pypiwin32 pyinstaller

pypiwin32 seems to be the library needed to run pyinstaller on Windows.

The GUI is easy to create using WxFormBuilder. However, there are some things that are difficult to understand the automatic naming convention, that parts cannot be reused, and that there are some things that are not enough to create an actual operation application, so I output it when it is in a certain form, and after that I have to do it myself. I recommend it.

Reference: GUI (WxFormBuilder) in Python (mm_sys) https://qiita.com/mm_sys/items/716cb159ea8c9e634300

After this, we will proceed in a reverse lookup format. Please see the section you are interested in.

3. exe reverse lookup TIPS collection with python

3.1. How to run a logic thread while running a GUI thread-with a suspend function

I think most of the people who are interested in this article are interested in it. I would love to know if there is a correct answer. So I skipped various things and brought it to the beginning.

--Start a logic thread that runs for a long time while keeping the GUI thread as it is --Multiprocess can also be executed in the logic thread --Logic threads do not increase processes --When the GUI thread is terminated, the logic thread is also terminated. --End the logic thread with the suspend button --The button for logic thread is valid only for single click (double click is disabled)

The code that meets the above requirements is below.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import wx
import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
from pathlib import Path

from form.MainFrame import MainFrame
from utils.MLogger import MLogger

VERSION_NAME = "ver1.00"

#No exponential notation, omitted if the number of effective decimal places exceeds 6 or 30, and the number of characters in one line is 200.
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=6, threshold=30, linewidth=200)

#Windows multi-process measures

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Argument interpretation
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", default=20, type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    #Logger initialization
    MLogger.initialize(level=args.verbose, is_file=False)

    #GUI startup
    app = wx.App(False)
    frame = MainFrame(None, VERSION_NAME, args.verbose)

First, the caller ʻexecutor.py`. Launch the GUI from here.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from time import sleep
from worker.LongLogicWorker import LongLogicWorker
from form.ConsoleCtrl import ConsoleCtrl
from utils.MLogger import MLogger

import os
import sys
import wx
import wx.lib.newevent

logger = MLogger(__name__)
TIMER_ID = wx.NewId()

(LongThreadEvent, EVT_LONG_THREAD) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

#Main GUI
class MainFrame(wx.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, version_name: str, logging_level: int):
        self.version_name = version_name
        self.logging_level = logging_level
        self.elapsed_time = 0
        self.worker = None

        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=u"c01 Long Logic {0}".format(self.version_name), \
                          pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(600, 650), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE)

        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        #processing time
        self.loop_cnt_ctrl = wx.SpinCtrl(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=wx.Size(100, -1), value="2", min=1, max=999, initial=2)
        self.loop_cnt_ctrl.SetToolTip(u"processing time")
        self.sizer.Add(self.loop_cnt_ctrl, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

        #Check box for parallel processing
        self.multi_process_ctrl = wx.CheckBox(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="If you want to execute parallel processing, please check it.")
        self.sizer.Add(self.multi_process_ctrl, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

        #Button Sizer
        self.btn_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        #Run button
        self.exec_btn_ctrl = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, u"Start long logic processing", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200, 50), 0)
        #Binding with mouse left click event [Point.01】
        self.exec_btn_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_exec_click)
        #Binding with mouse left double click event [Point.03】
        self.exec_btn_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.on_doubleclick)
        self.btn_sizer.Add(self.exec_btn_ctrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 5)

        #Suspend button
        self.kill_btn_ctrl = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, u"Long logic processing interruption", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200, 50), 0)
        #Bind with mouse left click event
        self.kill_btn_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_kill_click)
        #Bind with mouse left double click event
        self.kill_btn_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.on_doubleclick)
        #Initial state is inactive
        self.btn_sizer.Add(self.kill_btn_ctrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 5)

        self.sizer.Add(self.btn_sizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.SHAPED, 0)

        #Console [Point.06】
        self.console_ctrl = ConsoleCtrl(self)
        self.sizer.Add(self.console_ctrl, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)

        #print Output destination is console [Point.05】
        sys.stdout = self.console_ctrl

        #Progress gauge
        self.gauge_ctrl = wx.Gauge(self, wx.ID_ANY, 100, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.GA_HORIZONTAL)
        self.sizer.Add(self.gauge_ctrl, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)

        #Event bind [Point.05】
        self.Bind(EVT_LONG_THREAD, self.on_exec_result)


        #Display in the center of the screen

    #Double click invalidation process
    def on_doubleclick(self, event: wx.Event):
        logger.warning("It was double-clicked.", decoration=MLogger.DECORATION_BOX)
        return False

    #Execute 1 Processing when clicked
    def on_exec_click(self, event: wx.Event):
        #Start with a slight delay with a timer (avoid batting with double click) [Point.04】
        self.timer = wx.Timer(self, TIMER_ID)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_exec, id=TIMER_ID)

    #Interruption 1 Click processing
    def on_kill_click(self, event: wx.Event):
        self.timer = wx.Timer(self, TIMER_ID)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_kill, id=TIMER_ID)

    #Processing execution
    def on_exec(self, event: wx.Event):

        if not self.worker:
            #Console clear
            #Disable execute button
            #Suspend button enabled

            #Execute in another thread [Point.09】
            self.worker = LongLogicWorker(self, LongThreadEvent, self.loop_cnt_ctrl.GetValue(), self.multi_process_ctrl.GetValue())

    #Suspend processing execution
    def on_kill(self, event: wx.Event):

        if self.worker:
            #When the button is pressed in the stopped state, it stops

            logger.warning("Interrupts long logic processing.", decoration=MLogger.DECORATION_BOX)

            #Worker end
            self.worker = None
            #Run button enabled
            #Disable suspend button
            #Hide progress

    #Processing after long logic is over
    def on_exec_result(self, event: wx.Event):
        # 【Point.12] Make the logic end explicitly known
        #Run button enabled
        #Disable suspend button

        if not event.result:
            return False
        self.elapsed_time += event.elapsed_time
        logger.info("\n Processing time: %s", self.show_worked_time())

        #Worker end
        self.worker = None
        #Hide progress

    def sound_finish(self):
        #Sound the end sound
        if os.name == "nt":
            # Windows
                import winsound
                winsound.PlaySound("SystemAsterisk", winsound.SND_ALIAS)
            except Exception:

    def show_worked_time(self):
        #Convert elapsed seconds to hours, minutes and seconds
        td_m, td_s = divmod(self.elapsed_time, 60)

        if td_m == 0:
            worked_time = "{0:02d}Seconds".format(int(td_s))
            worked_time = "{0:02d}Minutes{1:02d}Seconds".format(int(td_m), int(td_s))

        return worked_time

Point.01: Bind mouse left click event and execution method

First of all, let's bind the mouse left-click event on the button and the method to be executed. There are several binding methods, but I personally like to write Parts.Bind (event type, firing method) for binding GUI parts and events.

Point.02: Start the left-click event with a timer slightly delayed

If you pick up the left-click event and execute it as it is, it will fire at the same time as the double-click event, and as a result, the double-click event will run. (In terms of processing, the double-click event is part of the single-click event, so the two events fire at the same time.) Therefore, by setting a timer in ʻon_exec_click and ʻon_kill_click fired from a single click and executing it with a slight delay, the execution method bound to the double-click event will be executed first.

Point.03: Bind mouse left double click event and execution method

Bind the left double-click event in the same procedure as Point ①. You can prevent double processing by picking up double clicks here.

Point.04: Stop the timer event with the mouse left double-click execution method

The double-click event will stop the timer event executed at Point②. You can now disable double-clicking.

Only single-click event fires … The corresponding event will be executed with a slight delay


When the double click event fires … The single-click event is not executed because the timer is stopped.


Point.05: Set the output destination of print to console control

print is a wrapper for sys.stdout.write, so if you set the output destination to a console control, the output destination of print will be inside the control.

Point.06: Define console control in subclass

So, what is that console control? It's a subclass of wx.TextCtrl.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import wx
from utils.MLogger import MLogger # noqa

logger = MLogger(__name__)

class ConsoleCtrl(wx.TextCtrl):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        #Multiple lines allowed, read-only, no border, vertical scrolling, horizontal scrolling, key event acquisition
        super().__init__(parent, wx.ID_ANY, wx.EmptyString, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(-1, -1), \
                         wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY | wx.BORDER_NONE | wx.HSCROLL | wx.VSCROLL | wx.WANTS_CHARS)
        #Keyboard event binding
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, lambda event: self.on_select_all(event, self.console_ctrl))

    #Output processing of console part [Point.07】        
    def write(self, text):
            wx.CallAfter(self.AppendText, text)
        except: # noqa

    #All selection process of console part [Point.08】
    def on_select_all(event, target_ctrl):
        keyInput = event.GetKeyCode()
        if keyInput == 1:  # 1 stands for 'ctrl+a'

Point.07: Perform additional processing in the write method

Call the ʻAppendText method with CallAfter, assuming that it will be called from a logic thread different from the GUI thread. This will also stabilize the print` output from the logic thread.

Point.08: Add method for select event in console control

If there are letters, it is the human saga that makes you want to copy them. Therefore, the all-selection process is executed in the all-selection event (combination of keyboard events).

Point.09: Execute the logic thread in another thread

I finally got into the main subject. Perform logic processing within LongLogicWorker. Reference source: https://doloopwhile.hatenablog.com/entry/20090627/1275175850


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import wx
import time
from worker.BaseWorker import BaseWorker, task_takes_time
from service.MOptions import MOptions
from service.LongLogicService import LongLogicService

class LongLogicWorker(BaseWorker):

    def __init__(self, frame: wx.Frame, result_event: wx.Event, loop_cnt: int, is_multi_process: bool):
        #processing time
        self.loop_cnt = loop_cnt
        #Whether to run in multiple processes
        self.is_multi_process = is_multi_process

        super().__init__(frame, result_event)

    def thread_event(self):
        start = time.time()

        #Para and options stuffing
        # max_The maximum value of workers is Python3.Based on the default value of 8
        options = MOptions(self.frame.version_name, self.frame.logging_level, self.loop_cnt, max_workers=(1 if not self.is_multi_process else min(32, os.cpu_count() + 4)))
        #Logic service execution

        #elapsed time
        self.elapsed_time = time.time() - start

    def post_event(self):
        #Call and execute the event after the logic processing is completed [Point.11】
        wx.PostEvent(self.frame, self.result_event(result=self.result and not self.is_killed, elapsed_time=self.elapsed_time))

LongLogicWorker inherits from BaseWorker.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import wx
import wx.xrc
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from threading import Thread
from functools import wraps
import time
import threading

from utils.MLogger import MLogger # noqa

logger = MLogger(__name__)

# https://wiki.wxpython.org/LongRunningTasks
# https://teratail.com/questions/158458
# http://nobunaga.hatenablog.jp/entry/2016/06/03/204450
class BaseWorker(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    """Worker Thread Class."""
    def __init__(self, frame, result_event):
        """Init Worker Thread Class."""
        #Parent GUI
        self.frame = frame
        #elapsed time
        self.elapsed_time = 0
        #Call event after the thread ends
        self.result_event = result_event
        #Progress gauge
        self.gauge_ctrl = frame.gauge_ctrl
        #Successful processing
        self.result = True
        #With or without stop command
        self.is_killed = False

    #Thread start
    def start(self):

    #Thread stop
    def stop(self):
        #Turn on interrupt FLG
        self.is_killed = True

    def run(self):
        #Thread execution

        #Post-processing execution
    def post_event(self):
        wx.PostEvent(self.frame, self.result_event(result=self.result))
    def thread_event(self):

# https://doloopwhile.hatenablog.com/entry/20090627/1275175850
class SimpleThread(Thread):
    """A thread that just executes a callable object (such as a function)"""
    def __init__(self, base_worker, acallable):
        #Processing in another thread
        self.base_worker = base_worker
        #Methods to run in the function decorator
        self.acallable = acallable
        #Function decorator results
        self._result = None
        #Suspended FLG=Initialize in the OFF state
        super(SimpleThread, self).__init__(name="simple_thread", kwargs={"is_killed": False})
    def run(self):
        self._result = self.acallable(self.base_worker)
    def result(self):
        return self._result

def task_takes_time(acallable):
Function Decorator [Point.10】
While executing the original processing of acallable in another thread
Update window wx.Keep calling YieldIfNeeded
    def f(base_worker):
        t = SimpleThread(base_worker, acallable)
        #A demon that kills a child when a parent dies
        t.daemon = True
        #Keep updating window drawings for the life of the thread
        while t.is_alive():
            #Twirl the progress gauge
            #Refresh the window if necessary
            #Wait a little

            if base_worker.is_killed:
                # 【Point.23] If the caller issues a stop command, you(GUI)Termination command to all threads except
                for th in threading.enumerate():
                    if th.ident != threading.current_thread().ident and "_kwargs" in dir(th):
                        th._kwargs["is_killed"] = True
        return t.result()
    return f

Point.10: Run a GUI thread and another thread with the function decorator

This is a story I have already received from the reference site, but I will continue to update the drawing of the GUI thread while running another thread with the function decorator. In SimpleThread, execute ʻacallable. At this time, the reason for holding BaseWorkeris to pass the suspension flag. WhileSimpleThread` is alive, the GUI thread only updates the drawing and accepts interruptions. (This area will be shown later)

Point.11: Call and execute the event after the logic processing is completed

Since the call event after processing was passed when the worker was initialized in advance, execute it with wx.PostEvent. This will bring you back to the process in the GUI.

Point.12: Make the logic end explicitly known

Until the logic is finished, not all users are stuck on the PC all the time, so to make it easier to understand when it is finished, sizing makes an INFO sound. Depending on the Windows environment and other environments such as Linux, an error may occur, so it seems better to make it sound only when it can be sounded with try-except. By the way, if you give the elapsed time, the feeling of how long it took will be quantified, so I feel that it is easy to understand.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from time import sleep
import concurrent.futures
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from service.MOptions import MOptions
from utils.MException import MLogicException, MKilledException
from utils.MLogger import MLogger # noqa

logger = MLogger(__name__)

class LongLogicService():
    def __init__(self, options: MOptions):
        self.options = options

    def execute(self):
        logging.basicConfig(level=self.options.logging_level, format="%(message)s [%(module_name)s]")

        # 【Point.13] try the whole-Enclose in except and output the error content
            #It is OK to put logic normally

            #It is OK to distribute with parallel tasks
            futures = []
            # 【Point.14] Give names to parallel tasks
            with ThreadPoolExecutor(thread_name_prefix="long_logic", max_workers=self.options.max_workers) as executor:
                for n in range(self.options.loop_cnt):
                    futures.append(executor.submit(self.execute_inner, n))

            #【Point.15] Parallel tasks wait for completion after being issued in bulk
            concurrent.futures.wait(futures, timeout=None, return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)

            for f in futures:
                if not f.result():
                    return False

            logger.info("End of long logic processing", decoration=MLogger.DECORATION_BOX, title="Logic end")

            return True
        except MKilledException:
            #In case of termination by suspend option, only the result is returned as it is
            return False
        except MLogicException as se:
            #Incomplete data error
            logger.error("It ended with data that cannot be processed.\n\n%s", se.message, decoration=MLogger.DECORATION_BOX)
            return False
        except Exception as e:
            #Other errors
            logger.critical("The process ended with an unintended error.", e, decoration=MLogger.DECORATION_BOX)
            return False

    def execute_inner(self, n: int):
        for m in range(5):
            logger.info("n: %s - m: %s", n, m)
        return True

Point.13: In the logic thread, enclose the whole with try-except

Since the threads are separated, if you do not exclude the error properly, you may end up suddenly though you do not know what it is. It's hard to chase afterwards, so let's exclude it and log it.

Point.14: Give names to parallel tasks

When executing parallel tasks, it is easier to debug if you add a prefix so that you can easily understand which process is the problem.

Point.15: Parallel tasks wait for the end after being issued in a batch

Concurrent tasks are first issued with ʻexecutor.submitand then waited withconcurrent.futures.waituntil all processing is complete. At that time, theconcurrent.futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION` option is added so that processing will be interrupted if any Exception occurs.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import traceback
import threading

from utils.MException import MKilledException

# 【Point.16] Implement your own logger
class MLogger():

    DECORATION_IN_BOX = "in_box"
    DECORATION_BOX = "box"
    DECORATION_LINE = "line"
    DEFAULT_FORMAT = "%(message)s [%(funcName)s][P-%(process)s](%(asctime)s)"

    DEBUG_FULL = 2
    TEST = 5
    TIMER = 12
    FULL = 15
    INFO_DEBUG = 22
    DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
    INFO = logging.INFO
    WARNING = logging.WARNING
    ERROR = logging.ERROR
    total_level = logging.INFO
    is_file = False
    outout_datetime = ""
    logger = None

    # 【Point.17] Be able to define the minimum output level for each module
    def __init__(self, module_name, level=logging.INFO):
        self.module_name = module_name
        self.default_level = level

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("PyLogicSample").getChild(self.module_name)

        #Standard output handler
        sh = logging.StreamHandler()

    # 【Point.18] Prepare a log method with a lower level than debug
    def test(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = {}

        kwargs["level"] = self.TEST
        kwargs["time"] = True
        self.print_logger(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = {}
        kwargs["level"] = logging.DEBUG
        kwargs["time"] = True
        self.print_logger(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = {}
        kwargs["level"] = logging.INFO
        self.print_logger(msg, *args, **kwargs)

    def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = {}
        kwargs["level"] = logging.WARNING
        self.print_logger(msg, *args, **kwargs)

    def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = {}
        kwargs["level"] = logging.ERROR
        self.print_logger(msg, *args, **kwargs)

    def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = {}
        kwargs["level"] = logging.CRITICAL
        self.print_logger(msg, *args, **kwargs)

    #Actual output
    def print_logger(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):

        #【Point.22] Suspend FLG on the thread currently running=If ON is set, an interruption error will occur.
        if "is_killed" in threading.current_thread()._kwargs and threading.current_thread()._kwargs["is_killed"]:
            #If a stop command is issued, an error
            raise MKilledException()

        target_level = kwargs.pop("level", logging.INFO)
        #Output only when both application and module log levels are met
        if self.total_level <= target_level and self.default_level <= target_level:

            if self.is_file:
                for f in self.logger.handlers:
                    if isinstance(f, logging.FileHandler):
                        #Delete all existing file handlers

                #If there is file output, handler association
                #File output handler
                fh = logging.FileHandler("log/PyLogic_{0}.log".format(self.outout_datetime))

            #Added to output module name
            extra_args = {}
            extra_args["module_name"] = self.module_name

            #Log record generation
            if args and isinstance(args[0], Exception):
                # 【Point.19] When an Exception is received, a stack trace is output.
                log_record = self.logger.makeRecord('name', target_level, "(unknown file)", 0, "{0}\n\n{1}".format(msg, traceback.format_exc()), None, None, self.module_name)
                log_record = self.logger.makeRecord('name', target_level, "(unknown file)", 0, msg, args, None, self.module_name)
            target_decoration = kwargs.pop("decoration", None)
            title = kwargs.pop("title", None)

            print_msg = "{message}".format(message=log_record.getMessage())
            # 【Point.20] Decorate log messages with parameters
            if target_decoration:
                if target_decoration == MLogger.DECORATION_BOX:
                    output_msg = self.create_box_message(print_msg, target_level, title)
                elif target_decoration == MLogger.DECORATION_LINE:
                    output_msg = self.create_line_message(print_msg, target_level, title)
                elif target_decoration == MLogger.DECORATION_IN_BOX:
                    output_msg = self.create_in_box_message(print_msg, target_level, title)
                    output_msg = self.create_simple_message(print_msg, target_level, title)
                output_msg = self.create_simple_message(print_msg, target_level, title)
                if self.is_file:
                    #If there is file output, regenerate the record and output both console and GUI
                    log_record = self.logger.makeRecord('name', target_level, "(unknown file)", 0, output_msg, None, None, self.module_name)
                    # 【Point.21] Logic thread is output separately for print and logger
            except Exception as e:
                raise e
    def create_box_message(self, msg, level, title=None):
        msg_block = []

        if level == logging.CRITICAL:
            msg_block.append("■ **CRITICAL** ")

        if level == logging.ERROR:
            msg_block.append("■ **ERROR** ")

        if level == logging.WARNING:
            msg_block.append("■ **WARNING** ")

        if level <= logging.INFO and title:
            msg_block.append("■ **{0}** ".format(title))

        for msg_line in msg.split("\n"):
            msg_block.append("■ {0}".format(msg_line))


        return "\n".join(msg_block)

    def create_line_message(self, msg, level, title=None):
        msg_block = []

        for msg_line in msg.split("\n"):
            msg_block.append("■■ {0} --------------------".format(msg_line))

        return "\n".join(msg_block)

    def create_in_box_message(self, msg, level, title=None):
        msg_block = []

        for msg_line in msg.split("\n"):
            msg_block.append("■ {0}".format(msg_line))

        return "\n".join(msg_block)

    def create_simple_message(self, msg, level, title=None):
        msg_block = []
        for msg_line in msg.split("\n"):
            # msg_block.append("[{0}] {1}".format(logging.getLevelName(level)[0], msg_line))
        return "\n".join(msg_block)

    def initialize(cls, level=logging.INFO, is_file=False):
        # logging.basicConfig(level=level)
        logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=cls.DEFAULT_FORMAT)
        cls.total_level = level
        cls.is_file = is_file
        cls.outout_datetime = "{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}".format(datetime.now())

Point.16: Implement your own logger

Perhaps the logger part is the one that I have the most ingenuity. It is easier for users to output the log according to a certain format, but it is very troublesome to define it one by one. You can decorate the message box and ruled lines with a single flag. And above all, the logger is used to judge the interruption flag. (Details will be described later)

Point.17: Be able to define the minimum output level for each module

By defining the minimum output level for each module, you can suppress the debug log of utility methods in particular. Physically erasing the debug log or commenting it out can be a hassle to check if there is a problem. By raising or lowering the minimum level for each module, you can control the output log level, which will lead to easier debugging.

Point.18: Prepare a log method with a lower level than debug

Although it is paired with 17, it is easier to suppress the output by preparing a low-level method.

Point.19: Outputs a stack trace when an Exception is received

This is mainly useful when you get an unhandled exception. Also, since the logger is handled by both the GUI thread and the logic thread, there is no need to adjust the output at the source of the logic thread.

Point.20: Decorate log messages with parameters

Since we've made the console control a regular text control, we've used a lot of message blocking for clarity. Since the amount of messages is variable, it was not possible to assign a fixed character string, so blocking is called for each given parameter. I think there is a way to specify the method at the caller, but I think that this is easier to manage in terms of meaning. Even when decorating the text, the amount of code will be less if it is handled in one place in this way rather than being separated by the caller.

Point.21: Execute print and logger.handle separately during output processing

To print to the console control, you need the output from print, and to print to the stream, you need the output from logger.handle. Both messages output the same information, and information such as the output module and output time is added to the output to the stream to make it easier to follow.

Point.22: If the thread currently running is set to suspend FLG = ON, an interruption error will occur.

This was where I was most worried ... The following are some of Python's thread-like practices. --Do not kill threads from the outside --Hold the suspend parameter and refer to the parameter every time it is processed internally --If the suspend parameter is ON, exit from the inside

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/323972/is-there-any-way-to-kill-a-thread

Even if you look at the interruption parameters internally, you don't want to see them for each logic process, and you don't want to carry around the parameters ... So, isn't it a logger that always passes any logic? So, if you can see it on the logger and you can change it from the GUI thread, it's about "current thread" ... By saying that, it became like this.

I don't know if it's a good method, but I like it because logic processing doesn't care about interruptions at all.

Point.23: When interrupt is instructed on the GUI side, turn on all thread interruption FLG except GUI.

The suspend FLG is set in the BaseWorker function decorator. Suspend of all living threads other than GUI thread By turning on FLG, you can see the interruption by looking at any thread. Now, when you try to output the log, an error will occur and you will be returned to the GUI.

Normal termination route


Suspended end route


3.2. Debug from VSCode

Now that we've created the environment, let's make it run from VS Code.

In the Python Path field of the workspace, specify the full path of ʻAnaconda> envs> Development Environment> python.exe`.


Use launch to specify the execution of the exe.

	"folders": [
			"path": "src"
	"settings": {
		"python.pythonPath": "C:\\Development\\Anaconda3\\envs\\pytest_env\\python.exe"
	"launch": {
		"version": "0.2.0",
		"configurations": [
				"name": "Python: debug",
				"type": "python",
				"request": "launch",
				"program": "${workspaceFolder}/executor.py",
				"console": "integratedTerminal",
				"pythonPath": "${command:python.interpreterPath}",
				"stopOnEntry": false,
				"args": [
					// "--verbose", "1",                       //minimum
					// "--verbose", "2",                       // DEBUG_FULL
					// "--verbose", "15",                   // FULL
					"--verbose", "10",                    // TEST
					// "--verbose", "20",                    // INFO

You can now launch the GUI from VS Code.

3.3. Create an exe

I've put together a lot of code, but in the end I have to make it an exe. So, here are the batches and config files that create PythonExe.


@echo off
rem --- 
rem ---Generate exe
rem --- 

rem ---Change the current directory to the execution destination
cd /d %~dp0


rem ---After switching to the release environment, run pyinstaller
rem ---Return to development environment when finished
activate pytest_release && pyinstaller --clean pytest64.spec && activate pytest_env


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: python -*-
#PythonExe sample 64bit version

block_cipher = None

a = Analysis(['src\\executor.py'],
             #Hidden library import
             hiddenimports=['wx._adv', 'wx._html', 'pkg_resources.py2_warn'],
             #Excluded libraries
pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
exe = EXE(pyz,
          #app name
          #Whether to display the debug log when making an exe
          #Whether to display the console
          console=False )

If you want to stick to an exe, just run the batch, switch to the release environment, run pyinstaller, and then back to the development environment. Now you don't have to worry about inadvertently putting extra libraries in your release environment.

The spec file is a configuration file for pyinstaller, but it is a setting added by a comment line.


pyinstaller basically automatically includes the libraries called inside the code, but there are some libraries that cannot be included as they are. It is hidden imports that explicitly imports it. The only way to find this is to change debug = False at the bottom to True and look for the part that is causing the error, which is a very simple task.


On the contrary, if you want to exclude it because the file size becomes large if it is bundled together, specify it with ʻexcludes. In this case, mkl and libopenblas` are excluded by referring to https://www.reddit.com/r/pygame/comments/aelypb/why_is_my_pyinstaller_executable_180_mb_large/. The completed exe is about 30M. (Even if excluded, this size ...

3.4. What you want to add

--About icons --About external memory (json)

I may add it when my energy recovers. How are you doing here with VMD sizing? Questions are also welcome.

4. Source code

All of the above code can be found at https://github.com/miu200521358/PythonExeSample. If you are interested, please fork and take a look at the contents.

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