Try to solve Sudoku in various ways (SAT, CSP)

Let's try solving Sudoku with various logic programming and see its advantages and disadvantages. I would like to introduce the following five

Definition of Sudoku rules

Define a rule to see if your program has taken over the definition

  1. One number in one square
  2. One same number per line
  3. One same number in one column
  4. One same number in one block
  5. Satisfy the input

Suppose the input is represented by a tuple (x, y, i) that the condition "the value i is in the row x column y of the cell", and the entire input is represented by a list of that tuple.


** SAT Solver ** is an algorithm that finds whether there is a boolean value that satisfies a logical expression called CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form). CNF is represented by the logical product of a set of literal ORs (such as $ x_1 \ vee \ neg x_2 \ dots \ vee x_n $) called ** clauses **.

Now let's convert the rules to SAT.


Suppose $ g_ {x, y, i} $ is true when "the value i is in the row x column y of the cell". Conversely, $ g_ {x, y, i} $ is false when you say "the value i does not fit in the row x column y of the cell (other values fit)".

Rule 1 (one number per square)

If you think about it easily, it looks like this

(g_{x,y,1} \wedge \neg g_{x,y,2} \wedge \dots \wedge\neg g_{x,y,9}) \vee(\neg g_{x,y,1} \wedge g_{x,y,2} \wedge \dots \wedge\neg g_{x,y,9}) \vee \dots \vee\\
(\neg g_{x,y,1} \wedge \neg g_{x,y,2} \wedge \dots\wedge g_{x,y,9})

But this is not a form of CNF, so if you expand it like the distributive law (?) And simplify it, it will be as follows.

(g_{x,y,1} \vee g_{x,y,2} \vee \dots g_{x,y,9}) \wedge (\neg g_{x,y,1} \vee \neg g_{x,y,2})\wedge (\neg g_{x,y,1} \vee \neg g_{x,y,3}) \wedge \dots \wedge\\
(\neg g_{x,y,8} \vee \neg g_{x,y,9})

Rules 2,3,4 (one same number in one row (column, block))

The condition that "there is one or more numbers i in line x" can be written as follows:

g_{x,1,i} \vee g_{x,2,i} \vee \dots g_{x,9,i}

If you add the condition that "there are no more than two numbers i in line x" to this, it becomes rule 2, but if you combine it with rule 1, that condition becomes unnecessary. Because there is one or more numbers 1-9 in each of the 9 cells, [Pigeonhole Principle]( AE% E5% B7% A3% E5% 8E% 9F% E7% 90% 86) Therefore, there can only be one number for each.

By the way, the condition that "there are no more than one number i in line x" is as follows.

(\neg g_{x,1,i} \vee \neg g_{x,2,i})\wedge (\neg g_{x,1,i} \vee \neg g_{x,3,i}) \wedge \dots \wedge(\neg g_{x,8,i} \vee \neg g_{x,9,i})

The same applies to columns and blocks, so they are omitted.

Rule 5 (satisfy input)

The condition that "the value i is in the row x column y of the cell" means that $ g_ {x, y, i} $ is assigned true.


So I will solve it using pysat's minisat.

from pysat.solvers import Minisat22
from itertools import product, combinations

def grid(i, j, k):
  return i * 81 + j * 9 + k + 1

def sudoku_sat(arr):
  m = Minisat22()

  #Rule 1
  for i, j in product(range(9), range(9)):
    m.add_clause([grid(i, j, k) for k in range(9)])
    for k1, k2 in combinations(range(9), 2):
      m.add_clause([-grid(i, j, k1), -grid(i, j, k2)])

  #Rule 2,3
  for i in range(9):
    for k in range(9):
      m.add_clause([grid(i, j, k) for j in range(9)])

  for j in range(9):
    for k in range(9):
      m.add_clause([grid(i, j, k) for i in range(9)])

  #Rule 4
  for p, q in product(range(3), range(3)):
    for k in range(9):
      m.add_clause([grid(i, j, k) for i, j in product(range(p*3, p*3+3), range(q*3, q*3+3))])

  #Rule 5
  for a in arr:
    m.add_clause([grid(a[0], a[1], a[2] - 1)])
  if not m.solve():
    return None
  model = m.get_model()
  return [
      [k + 1 for k in range(9) if model[grid(i, j, k) - 1] > 0][0]
      for j in range(9)
    for i in range(9)


~~ This is a copy / paste of university assignments ~~

** CSP (Constraint Programming) ** is an algorithm that solves the following $ V, D, C $ problems.


Suppose the variable $ v_ {x, y} $ is the value of the cell in row x column y. That is:

Rule 1 can be satisfied only with this premise.

Rules 2,3,4 (one same number in one row (column, block))

If you write down the rule, it will be as follows

(v_{x,0}, v_{x,1})\in\{(1,2), (1,3), \dots (9,8)\} \\
(v_{x,0}, v_{x,2})\in\{(1,2), (1,3), \dots (9,8)\} \\
(v_{x,7}, v_{x,8})\in\{(1,2), (1,3), \dots (9,8)\} 

However, CSP usually has a convenient function called ʻAll Different`, which makes it easy to describe.

\text{AllDifferent}(v_{x,0}, v_{x,1},\dots,v_{x,8})

The same applies to columns and blocks.

Rule 5 (satisfy input)

Rule 5 can be incorporated from the domain, but it is represented by a constraint for the purpose of separating the input from the fundamental rule part of Sudoku. The constraint that "the value i is in the row x column y of the cell" is as follows

v_{x,y} \in \{i\}


Solve using python-constraint.

from constraint import Problem, AllDifferentConstraint, InSetConstraint

def sudoku_csp(arr):

  def grid(i, j):
    return '{}_{}'.format(i, j)

  p = Problem()

  for i, j in product(range(9), range(9)):
    p.addVariable(grid(i, j), range(1, 10))
  for i in range(9):
    p.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [grid(i, j) for j in range(9)])
    p.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [grid(j, i) for j in range(9)])

  for m, n in product(range(3), range(3)):
      [grid(i, j) for i, j in product(range(m*3, m*3+3), range(n*3, n*3+3))]

  for a in arr:
    p.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([a[2]]), [grid(a[0], a[1])])

  solution = p.getSolution()
  return [
      solution[grid(i, j)]
      for j in range(9)
    for i in range(9)


If I do the Advent calendar in this condition, I'm going to die, so I'll cut corners next time.

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