A note about hitting the Facebook API with the Python SDK

import json, urllib2
import facebook
from setting import *

def getFriendsFromperson(person_id):
    fb_friends = graph.get_connections(id=person_id, connection_name='events')

facebook_app_id = 'xxxxxxxx'
facebook_app_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
facebook_access_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
facebook_tedxutokyo_event = '682438141897525'

graph = facebook.GraphAPI(facebook_access_token)
event = graph.get_object(id=facebook_tedxutokyo_event, Connection='invited')
attending = graph.get_connections(id=facebook_tedxutokyo_event , connection_name='maybe', limit= 100)
# attending2 = graph.get_connections(id=facebook_tedxutokyo_event , connection_name='attending')

persons_id = {}
persons_pictures = {}

count = 0

for person in attending['data']:
    person_name = person['name'].encode('utf-8')
    person_id = person['id'].encode('utf-8')
    persons_id[person_name] = person_id
    count += 1


The point is to add a limit (25 defaults)

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