Anaconda was successfully installed in Installing Python's numerical calculation environment Anaconda on mac. However, since python of pyenv and python3 system of Anaconda3-4.3.0 can be used as it is, make python2 system work with Anaconda.
Try running python first, and if it seems to work with pyenv
$ pyenv global anaconda3-4.3.0
$ which python
Now you can run python on Anaconda. Next, preparation for running python2 system with Anaconda.
$ conda create -n python27 python=2.7 anaconda
Execute the above command and wait for it to finish. When you're done, you're ready to go. You can switch between 2 and 3 with each command below.
$ source ~/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.3.0/bin/activate python27
$ source ~/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.3.0/bin/deactivate
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