Introduction of trac (Windows + trac 1.0.10)

Put it on Windows 32bit.


  1. Install python 2.x ... Download and run Python 2.7.11 Windows 32bit from It is convenient to add it to path with just for me. Launch a command prompt and python --version responds with Python 2.7.11.
  2. Set up a proxy for pip. set HTTPS_PROXY = http: // username: password @ hostname: port
  3. Run pip install trac. It also installs the dependent setuptools and genshi. Also include babel, pytz, pygments.

Start with tracd

  1. Create a project directory. C: \ projects
  2. cd / d C: \ projects and run trac-admin myproject initenv and follow the wizard to initialize
  3. Create a file named htpasswd with the content admin: $ apr1 $ nMK8buQS $ XHSkfP45PEnpFQIxDxn / 70. Or ```admin: {SHA} 0DPiKuNIrrVmD8IUCuw1hQxNqZc sequentially`
  4. trac-admin / projects / myproject permission add admin TRAC_ADMIN
  5. tracd --env-parent-dir C: \ projects --basic-auth = "*, / projects / myproject / conf / htpasswd, TRAC"
  6. Click login in the upper right corner and log in as admin: admin

Launch from Eclipse Pydev

  1. Install the JDK
  2. Download and unzip Eclipse
  3. Back up the configuration as
  4. Start Eclipse. Specify \ workspace
  5. Search for python in the Eclipse Marketplace and install pydev
  6. Create a pydev project trac with Ctrl-N. Specify Python Interpreter on the way. You can proceed with Quick Auto Config
  7. Copy Scripts \ into the Eclipse workspace and register with run as --Python run. I get an error, so stop.
  8. In the run configuration, add the following to the arguments:
--env-parent-dir ${project_loc:trac}/projects

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