Which is the most popular python visualization tool after all?


I'm a matplotlib user, and I'm interested in other visualization tools.

After investigating various things, it seems that there are many tools that can be operated interactively.

For example Python visualization tools may be standardized by HoloViews Jupyter-notebook drawing library comparison Bokeh with Python-Introduction of data visualization library-

Such. Then, after all, it is a story about which one to use, but based on the idea that there will be no problem if you use the one that many people are using at the moment or the one that is rapidly increasing in popularity, each popularity level Compare. Using the popular one has the advantage that even if an error occurs, you can usually solve the problem by google, and it will probably be updated in the future.


Use google trend. The following five are to be investigated. I referred to the above articles for the explanation.

  1. matplotlib (Graph drawing library of the royal road in the royal road)
  2. Bokeh (It seems to read as "bokeh". Interactive data visualization library)
  3. Plotly (also can be moved interactively)
  4. HoloViews (a wrapper that makes visualization tools such as matplotlib and Bokeh easier to use, and sells simplicity)
  5. Pygal (Official document allows "Sexy python charting". It reminds me of a politician.)


Look, the overwhelming popularity of matplotlib!


Somehow, it was as expected. But what about other than matplotlib?


It was that plotly was popular. The popularity of bokeh hasn't diminished. I have the impression that HoloView and Pygal are still not popular compared to them.


1, matplotlib is still popular 2. If you want to make an interactive graph, plotly is popular, followed by Bokeh

I think it is best to use the tool that you like and the tool that suits your purpose, but from the perspective of which one is popular, the above results have been obtained. The following is for my memo, but I have summarized the pages that can be used as a reference for plotly.

Official documentation → You can see what you can do just by looking at it, it seems to be interesting because it moves in various ways

[Python] Make a graph that can be moved around with Plotly → Impression that the basic usage is summarized. It's been over a year since the last update, so it's unclear if it's still helpful.

[Python] Draw elevation data on a sphere with Plotly and draw a globe that can be rotated around → Fly ~~~.

at the end

I don't think it is, but please let us know if it violates the terms of use of google trend. Also, since I just summarized what I did a quick survey, I haven't taken the back. Please point out any mistakes. The image of google trend is as of June 2020.

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