[SWIFT] Summary of copy and paste commands used when you want to delete the cache in iOS application development anyway

Summary of copy and paste commands used when you want to delete the cache in iOS application development anyway

React Native assumption.

Xcode system list

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/
xcodebuild clean
xcodebuild -alltargets clean
xcodebuild clean
xcodebuild -alltargets clean
xcrun -k
xcrun simctl erase all
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport/*/Symbols/System/Library/Caches    
rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"
rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang.$(whoami)/ModuleCache"
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew
brew cleanup -s
rm -rf $(brew --cache)
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/SwiftLint
pod cache clean --all
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit 
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/carthage
rm ~/.fastlane/spaceship/**/cookie

React Native system list

Expected to be used under the project.

watchman watch-del-all
rm -rf node_modules/
yarn install
yarn cache clean
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods
cd ios && rm -rf Pods/ && pod install && cd ..

Reference URL

-Summary of cache deletion method in iOS application development -List of things to do when iOS simulator does not start in React Native

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